More Than a Meal Project
The Joy Bus seeks to grow its meal/visit program to serve more patients, with an ultimate goal of 2,500 home visits per week by 2026. To do so, The Joy Bus Diner must dramatically expand its kitchen, pantry and dining capacity. This will require a new facility built to our specific needs. We have secured an existing 4,000 square foot site which, with remodeling and equipment upgrades, will serve our purpose.
The Joy Bus Headquarters
The new 6,700 sq ft. Joy Bus Headquarters will include:
A new state-of-the-art commercial kitchen
The Joy Bus Diner
The Joy Bus Bus Stop Pavilion Event Space
An organic food pantry available free of charge to all cancer patients in Maricopa County, paired with a meal planning service.
A culinary program providing training, certification, and job placement to young adults who have been personally affected by cancer and are interested in pursuing a career in the culinary arts.
A teaching kitchen for cancer patients and their caretakers, medical students, and others interested in the preparation of nutritious food, especially as it relates to cancer and general physical health.
The Campaign
The Joy Bus board has launched the $5.4 million More Than a Meal Campaign, with a cabinet of strong community leaders chaired by Peter and Rebecca Ailes-Fine, and Derrick and Amy Hall. It will be funded by foundations, businesses and individuals who know and appreciate, many personally, the challenges faced by homebound cancer patients and their caregivers.
The More Than a Meal Campaign is an opportunity to provide these crucial services to more patients and to expand our vision for a greater impact on the cancer community.
Project Budget
Direct Expenses
Site Purchase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,650,000
New Construction & FFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,953,000
Contingency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .245,000
Permits & Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255,000
Fully Outfitted Delivery Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000
Operating Support for one Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160,000
Indirect Expenses
Fundraising Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420,000
Maintenance Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .327,000
Short Term Financing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250,000
Allowance for Pledge Shrinkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60,000
All Expenses: $5,400,000
Campaign Cabinet
Rebecca Ailes-Fine and Peter Fine, Co-Chairs Philanthropist and Fundraiser; President/CEO of Banner Health, Cancer Survivor
Amy and Derrick Hall, Co-Chairs Community Leader, Cancer Survivor; President/CEO of Arizona Diamondbacks, Cancer Survivor
Susan Anable Vice President of Public Affairs at Cox Communications
Vianne and Jack Kucera Community Leader, Cancer Survivor; President/CEO Variety Solutions
Jan Lewis Director T.W. Lewis Foundation, Community Leader
Cathy Stein and Mo Stein Travel Management Professional and Community Leader; Principal & Sr. VP HKS Architects
Debbie Castaldo Vice President of Corporate & Community Partnerships at Arizona Diamondbacks
Anne Mariucci General Partner MLFP
Greg Cole Senior Counsel at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, The Joy Bus Board President
Judi Goldfader Chief Business Development Officer at Arizona Science Center, The Joy Bus Board Member
Sharon Harper President/CEO of Plaza Companies, Community Volunteer, Cancer Survivor
Dan Rubin ND FABNO, Medical Director at Naturopathic Specialists, The Joy Bus Board Vice President
Honor Roll of Donors
To commemorate unselfish generosity and a commitment to supporting The Joy Bus mission of care for those touched by cancer through its More Than a Meal Campaign, campaign leadership wishes to publicly recognize those who have helped make this effort a success. The board of directors of The Joy Bus gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, corporations, foundations, and organizations.
The Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust
The Kemper and Ethel Marley Foundation -
Arizona Diamondbacks
Peter & Rebecca Ailes-Fine
Ken Kendrick
Jack & Vianne Kucera
Anne Mariucci
Jerre & Mary Joy Stead
Morris & Cathy Stein
Thunderbirds Charities
Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust
BHHS Legacy Foundation
G4 Builders -
Jerry & Joan Colangelo
Butch Raphael
Clint Woods -
Steve Hilton
Chris & Jessica Kmetty
T.W. Lewis Foundation
Jerry & Lisa Kackley
Goodmans -
Phyllis Barbee
John Graham
Derrick & Amy Hall
Sharon & Ollie Harper
Hensley Beverage Company
Dan Rubin, ND
Spreading Sunshine -
Susan Anable
Judi Goldfader
Greg Cole
Lee Eisenberg
William & Judith Schubert
Lynette Livesay -
Shawn & Judy McLeran
David & Karen Cavan
Sam Attish
Bart Faber
Ardie & Steve Evans
Suzanne & John Hensing
Tiffany Shaw
Contact us for More Information!
For more information, call 602.859.2216 or email Areli Trapero at
More Than a Meal Campaign Mailing Address: 3241 East Shea Blvd., #423, Phoenix, Arizona 85028